SYC Fundraising
Why Do We Fundraise?
The SYC fundraises year-round to ensure that our club has adequate funds to support our youth during the season. Below is a list of the many things that we spend this money on after registration fees are paid and raffle tickets are sold. You will notice that the expenses go well beyond uniforms and helmets.
- Annual helmet evaluations and replacements, as advised
- Badges for coaches and players
- Bert Bell league fees
- Cheer uniforms and music
- End of season banquet
- Flag uniforms
- Football/cheer plaques
- Insurance fees
- Medic fees
- New field/practice equipment, when necessary
- New football gear, such as helmets, game jerseys, game pants, chin straps, mouthpieces, flags and footballs
- Referee fees
- Rentals for season (portable toilet and equipment pod)
- Rookie jerseys
- Snack bar food/supplies for season
- Spiritwear
- SYC Events (Pep Rally and Homecoming)
- Videographer/Photographer
We are thankful for all the help that our families put in to making our youth program the best in the area. Go Cougars!