Welcome to SYC Cheer!
Our cheer program is an age based system. You will be placed on a team depending on your child’s age and birthday. This will determine their cheer squad assignment.
Our cheerleaders start at age 5 and cheer up to age 14.

We field 5 teams for the SYC as detailed below:
- Flag Cheer (ages 5 - 6)
- Freshman Cheer (just 7 year olds)
- Sophomore Cheer (ages 10 & under)
- Junior Cheer (ages 12 & under)
- Senior Cheer (ages 14 & under)
Until 07/01/23: $200.00
07/01/23 - 08/01/23: $225.00
After - 08/01/23: $250.00
The SYC also has four competition squads that go on to compete during and after the football season.
All squads, including competing squads, must cheer at football games.
Questions regarding field or competition cheer, can be directed to the SYC Cheer Directors: Jess Daly and Suzie Szafran
SYC Cheer FAQs
When are field cheerleading practices held?
Practices begin the first week in August. Cheer practice is every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30 to 7:45. Once September comes and the season starts, we will practice an hour before their game.
When are the games?
Football games are held primarily on Saturdays and Sundays.
Where are games held?
SYC football is a travel program. Home games are held at Crowell Park (North Ave Park).
Away games are held at the home fields of other teams in the Bert Bell League. Directions to away fields can be found in our Fields section on our website.
Do the cheerleaders have to try out?
There are no tryouts for field cheer; however, evaluations are held for competition squads. These evaluations are typically held in may.
Evaluations are used primarily to see skill level and exactly what skill a child needs help with for the upcoming season. We DO NOT make any cuts for competition teams!! Every child is included and every child will make a team!!
How are the squad assignments made?
Field squad assignments are made based on age.
Competition squad assignments are made based on league age requirements as well. These ages vary a bit from field cheer.
What experience does my child need in order to make one of the competing squads?
No specific experience or skill is required to participate in a competition squad. Typically, girls with some cheerleading experience is a plus but not necessary. We will help each and every girl.
How does my child sign up for a competing squad?
Cheerleaders must be registered and paid in full for the upcoming SYC season by the date of evaluations (which are typically held in mid-June) in order to participate with the competition squad.
What is the practice commitment for a competing squad?
Practices start in September (after football cheer practice in August) and are typically held three days per week for 2 hours per practice.
What is the difference between the commitment to a football cheer squad and a competing squad?
Football cheerleading offers a great experience for the girls. Cheering for the football teams can be a lot of fun for a limited time.
The commitment needed for a football cheerleading squad involves availability for practices 2 times per week in August and an hour before games on the weekend in September and October. Typically, cheering for football does not interfere with the child participating in other activities.
If a child is doing competition cheer, there is a rule, via Bert Bell, that you cannot miss more then two football games.
The commitment level for the competition team is very high. Girls must be able to attend every practice unless sick. The routines designed for these squads are quite difficult and a child will fall behind if she misses practice. Therefore, a child cannot miss more than 3 practices per season.
In addition, stunt formations require 100% attendance or the squad's performance is compromised. Coaches for these squads are very serious about attendance and very dedicated. If a girl decides she would like to participate on the competition team, she needs to make that squad a priority.
Our practices are on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday evenings.
Competing for SYC is a large commitment but is a ton of fun!!
How long is the season?
The football cheerleading season mirrors the football season. Practices begin the first week in August. Games begin Labor Day weekend and run until late October. Playoff games may extend the season into November.
The season for the Competition Squads will extend until the end of January. Competition squads will compete in 5 competitions during the cheer season. Our little flag girls will compete in 2!
What is the additional cost to participate in competition cheer?
There will be an additional fee for participation in a competing squad. It changes year to year.
The fee includes: comp bow, comp sneakers, comp socks, comp bloomers, new comp music, gym rental and comp fees. This fee is in addition to field registration and not eligible for sibling discounts.
Additional competition fees may be required if we go to any type of regionals, nationals or travel competitions.
Does competition cheer participate in any camps?
Yes, cheerleaders, ages 7 and up, are required to attend a Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA) Camp. This camp is an additional fee.
The 2021-2022 camp dates are unknown at this time.
What does the field cheer registration fee cover?
The registration fee covers the cost of providing cheerleading uniforms, which must be returned at the end of the season. Each child will also receive a practice uniform and hair bow!!
Each child will need white sneakers for field (these can be purchased off of Amazon). We will offer a warm up suit but that will be an additional fee.